Are you worried about your finances? Do you need to keep regular check on your finances? The big advantage is now you can calculate them on your mobile.Let look out for the best application available by Apple to keep track of your finances:
Check (formerly Pageonce) is an award-winning app that stays on top of your bills & money for you. Featured in the iTunes App Store: New Year, New You (2013), 10 Finance Essentials (2012), Great on iPhone 5 (2012). How this app is beneficial: Get reminders when bills are due, Pay on the spot and schedule bill payments for free, Conveniently pay bills with a bank account or credit card, See all your bills & accounts in one centralized place and Receive alerts when funds are low or credit limits are near.
FreshBooks is simple and intuitive. It helps your business to be accessible from any computer or mobile device in tracking time, logging expenses and invoicing your clients in no time. It allows payment by credit card, PayPal, or any one of the other twelve payment gateways. It automatically imports expenses from your bank account or credit card and quickly track every one of your valuable minutes.
ProOnGo Expense create excel reports from any device containing all of your expenses and receipt images, title the report and send to your manager. It records your expenses from wherever you are, Approve/Deny your employees’ expenses and then send the expenses over to Xero as an expense claim. When you make a connection with ProOnGo it downloads your Chart of Accounts enabling you to label your reimbursable expenses as well as your credit card expenses with the expense Account.
Receipts track your personal and business income/expenses (including mileage). It is the most customizable expense tracking app available. It features are: Add new receipts quickly with an optimized user interface, Create budgets, accounts, categories, and nine different types of custom receipt fields for local taxes, payment type, Save time when submitting expense reports, Browse through the overview graphs, Enter receipt details, capture photos (with rotate, scale, crop, and adjustments support), record voice memos, Generate Excel, PDF, HTML, and CSV reports with attachments, Email, use iTunes File Sharing, transfer over WiFi, send to another device or app, or upload reports to iCloud, Box, CloudApp, Dropbox.
Bloomberg allow access to global business and finance news, market data and portfolio tracking tools from the world’s most trusted source. Features included in this application are: Synchronize your Watchlist with and also access it via the web, Share articles using Email, Facebook or Twitter, Search for news and stock quotes, Adjust font size and contrast within news articles to maximize readability.